

3 monkeys

3 monkeys

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Bluebonnet Girls!

Sorry it's been awhile since I have blogged, with trying to get Darran to Georgia and everything he needed it's a miracle he got there at all! But he made it and is trying to settle in, he told me the guy who hands out the hotels was not there friday when Darran checked in and so they put Darran in a transitional room, which is a big room with cots and no place to lock your stuff up. Needless to say he was extemely MAD! So after he vented to me on the phone I reminded him of a soldier that he knew from Fort Hood who was already there for the school, I told him to call the guy and see if he could crash on his hotel floor, and he did. He will eventually get a room he was just mad at the time and not thinking. Such is life!

Here are our girls in the Bluebonnets. We didn't have as many as last year. The ones of Reagan are good and Sfrona just wanted to pick the flowers for mama, thank goodness it was in the middle of nowhere because she had a handful by the time we left.LOL

Monday, April 7, 2008

Giddy Up

Well our weekends are going so fast as Darran gets ready to go to Georgia, so we are trying to do it all in the short time we have. This weekend we went to my parents house because the girls wanted to ride the horse, so we did. Sfrona did great! She got up there and rode her like she has been doing it forever! We had to make her get off!! LOL Reagan on the other hand didn't enjoy it as much. She did good with the riding part it was the getting off part she didn't like and Darran was trying to explain to her how to do it and then Reagan started whining and the horse didn't care for the whining and she got a little spooked, Reagan started panicking and Darran had to pull her off the horse before she bolted, so it was not a good experience for Reagan, there is always next time.

So then we all decided to help Papa and Granny with the garden, of course Darran did most of the tilling and we all helped with the planting except Sfrona we had to make her get out of the garden because she was knocking all the rows over. We got finished and it was time to take Reagan back and we were saying all our good-byes and kisses and hugs and Granny told us thank you for helping in the garden, well Sfrona got to stay at Granny's because I had to take the car into the shop and you know how that is with a 3 year old, when Granny said thank you for helping with the garden I gave Sfrona a kiss and she said thank you for helping in the garden mama. We all cracked up laughing, it was so matter of fact! She is at that age where everything is repeated and held onto!!